Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Merry Got Me Thinking
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Hunger Games
Friday, December 9, 2011
December Update

This semester is coming to a close! Hard to believe. After visiting Asbury Theological Seminary back in October, I decided to apply. I just found out on Tuesday that I was accepted to the seminary! So, it looks like Kyle and I will be moving to Kentucky in August. We are both pretty excited about it. We've talked about living somewhere else other than Kansas, and this seems like the perfect opportunity.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Norah the Explorer

This past weekend was our Fall Break at Southwestern (it couldn't have come at a better time, btw). So, for break, Kyle and I and some of our friends went to visit Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. The trip was great -- Asbury is a wonderful community and place to be. Kyle and I are looking forward to going there (most likely) after summer. Anyways, one of my least favorite parts about road trips is driving. When I left for college, my parents invested in a GPS for me. I l-o-v-e my GPS. I call her Norah -- Norah the Explorer. Norah and I have been many places together. From Chicago to Dallas to Kentucky, Norah is my girl. Over time, I have gotten to know her and I have learned her tricks. I hope these are helpful to you.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Gobs of Jobs

Today the world has lost an excellent business man and a creative thinker. If you haven't heard by now, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, passed away. Even in his death, this man is trending on Twitter and is already a pre-search option on Google. As one tweeter put it, he is "the 'apple' of everyone's technological eye." As I was sitting here watching Twitter blow up with over 40 new tweets about Steve Jobs every 30 seconds, I got to thinking. Seriously -- what a loss our world is experiencing. The co-founder of Apple a.k.a. - MacBooks, Ipods, Ipads, Iphones is dead. But, he leaves with a legacy. Everyone one Twitter is #Isad.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
It Started with Matilda
Sunday, July 24, 2011
A Bieber Impression
Yes, I will get it out on the table right now, Justin Bieber impressed me. I became a Bieber fan last year during PT – my kids at Walnut Hill LOVED him. We listened to him during arts and crafts, made up dances to his songs, quoted his songs at lunch, sang them again at recess, etc. Like any teeny bopper pop star, he was all over, and I was ok with that. This summer, a month or so ago, I heard his song “Pray.” The chorus quotes, “I close my eyes, and I can see a better day, I close my eyes and pray.” You can google the whole song, if the Bieber fan inside you is itching. However, on with the story – the other day, I was at Elmwood, in arts and crafts with the kids, and we were listening to music. Our high school seek and serve, Emily, made a play list for the kids, and on the list was the song “Pray.” As the kids were sitting there, innocently making their arts and crafts and singing along, I was thrust into a much more deeper moment. Watching them in that moment, experiencing innocent joy, I realized that PT helps many of them close their eyes and see better days. Some of our kids come from hard backgrounds, and PT is a safe place for them to come. Others have great home lives and come to PT to learn and dream. I really cherish both circumstances and acknowledge that I am around them. Children really are powerful people – no matter where they are in their lives, they can close their eyes to see better things. I have been blessed to be a part of that for the last two summers.
At our family fun night last Thursday, I was talking with one of our fifth graders, Nahomi. She was telling me how most of the time she is really joyful, but lately she had been crying because she knows that PT is going to end soon. We were carrying on a long conversation about the summer and all things PT when I decided to ask her what she would like to be when she grew up. So, I asked the question, she thought diligently for a few moments and her eyes lit up as she said, “I want to be a PT intern, just like you!”
Ahh, I close my eyes and see better days. Better things – when Nahomi is an intern at Project Transformation. This is really what it's about, ya?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A Royal Affair
Last week at Project Transformation, international week was a hit! I think our kids really enjoyed all of the activities. They did so many things -- they went on a virtual gondola ride when we studied Italy and got to make some garlic bread. When we studied Egypt, they learned about mummies and made their own headdresses. When we studied Japan they made their own watercolors, learned how to write some words in Japanese, learned about Japanese table etiquette and ate some peanut butter and jelly "sushi," and they also made origami. Then, on Thursday, the buzz was all about the Royal Wedding! The kids were so excited and so many of them came dressed up for the affair, or brought dresses and suits to wear! Throughout the week, the girls worked on fascinators during recess and the boys made bow ties. Thursday brought all of their efforts and excitement together. Some of the elementary girls and boys were flower girls and ring bearers and some of the youth were bridesmaids, groomsmen and ushers. PT staff and alumni even dropped by for awhile. We had so much fun! Check out the pictures from Elmwood's royal affair this past week and enjoy! *Please know I wish I could include pictures of the kids -- but due to safety and PT policy I cannot. But, trust me, they were adorable!*
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Elmwood turned Abbey?

Time has flown by this summer at Project Transformation (as always), but I feel as if this year has been even faster than last year! God has blessed me with a wonderful, cooperative and fun-loving team and a wonderful site-coordinator this summer at Elmwood, the site I am serving with. I can't believe we are currently on week 6 out of 8. Have you ever watched a bathtub drain? Then, towards the end, the tornado/vortex looking thing starts spiraling around? I feel like I am about to head into that vortex...time is really draining fast! It's crazy, fun, happy and sad all at the same time. Nevertheless, time ticks.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
3:55 in a 4:00 O'Clock World

The other day, my friend, Lauren, and I made a quick trip to Wal-Mart to grab some alfredo sauce. In the mean time, we decided that we were going to go to Sonic before happy hour ended. It was about 3:55 (happy hour is from 2-4) and there was a line of cars, out in the street taking up the entire turning lane. Lauren and I were in this mess and when we looked back behind us, about a minute later, there were cars from three different intersecting points, blinkers on, trying to get into this Sonic fast track. Then, when we finally did get on the Sonic premises, cars would not even take the parking stalls, they proceeded to all make one big line through the drive-thru in which no one else could pass by to even get to empty slots. Whoa, whoa, whoa! This really is the world in which we often live -- procrastination, waiting until the last second, throwing things together, committing to too many things, thinking 5 more minutes will be our saving grace.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Integrity Found in the Strangest of Places...

Tonight, in my Leadership and Ethical Worldviews class, we discussed integrity and what exactly it is. While I was thinking about that very question last week, and while I was trying to prepare an answer, I decided that integrity is this: replacing the toilet paper in the upstairs bathroom when the toilet paper is in the closet, in the kitchen, downstairs.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Skunks and Chicken Nuggets
- It is totally "skunk season" around Kansas. There are skunks everywhere, dead and alive. It's gross!
- Speaking of skunks, I think the smell of a skunk vaguely resembles freshly fried chicken nuggets from McDonalds. Oh yeah, that's why I don't eat there.
- There is a marketing blogger named Seth Godin. He writes blogs everyday. You can have them sent to your e-mail -- they are a good daily read to make you think. My favorite advice from him so far -- "No one is going to pick you. Pick yourself." I pick me, I pick me!
- Shepherd's pie is seriously delicious. You should eat it sometime. I made it on Tuesday night. It's SO good! But you have to put peas in it.
- I think the name "Titan," for a boy, is seriously cool. I like names with meaning.
- Today at the mall, with my mom and sister, we saw a sign that said "Want an hour-glass figure? Corsets, 20% off." My mom read the sign out-loud and then said, "Not if I have to squeeze into that thing." It was funny.
- Squirrels are cute, but I believe they are rabid.
- This weekend, the Kingdom Committee that I co-lead with another student is hosting a "sleep-out" to promote awareness about Imagine No Malaria, a campaign that is striving to eradicate Malaria by 2015. I am really excited about the way God has been helping us raise awareness for this cause! It's awesome.
- If passionate prayer makes the biggest difference of all, why the heck do we/and the church lack in this area?
- I have this dream and vision for the UMC church -- it's causing me a lot of thought.
- I wonder where my life will be next year at this time.
- This summer, I am going back to Project Transformation!! I can't wait.
Thursday, March 10, 2011

I have been finishing up a book called "Souls in Transition" for my campus ministry practicum. The book is about emerging young adults. I have decided that it is kind of strange to read a book about people in the age group that I am in. The book has been a really good source of research for me, as well as a source of personal reflection. The contents of the book reflect on how young adults see life, spirituality, friendships, community service, parents, college, marriage, job-hunting etc.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Radical Hospitality

One of the greatest privileges I enjoy is being at least 20 years old and a junior. Here is why...I get to live in the Warren Apartments at college! These are the apartments that they show you on your campus visit, and they are the apartments that most people dream about if they come to SC. Now, hear me out, the Warren apartments are actually really nice. They are not typical college apartments. They are spacious...2 bedrooms (with big closets, a must for girls), 1 1/2 baths, a nice living room, kitchen and dining room. By the time you are a junior, it's time to have a kitchen! Having a kitchen has been one of the best things ever! I have really discovered that I love to cook.
Also, another reason that I love living in the Warren apartments is because it allows my roommates and I to be able to participate in radical hospitality. Hospitality is one of my favorite things!
I especially love cooking for people and having them come over for supper. One of the best places to spend time with people is around the table, sharing a meal. Really, it does not get more organic than that. There is something cool about getting to eat together. I love providing people with a healthy, home-cooked meal. As college students, we eat one-too-many cafeteria meals.
Also, our apartment is often the meeting room for worship, prayer and regular community life! We sing, play games, watch movies…everything. I absolutely love it. It really has made me think lately, though. What an easy way to bless people! Really. This is what life in community is all about. Blessing people. Ah, it makes my Spirit really joyful. God continually just keeps blessing our apartment with wonderful people. On Thursday, we are having some friends over from Cowley Community College…they are excited for a home-cooked meal, and I am excited to bless them!
This is what it’s about. Mmm.