Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tell All

I've learned a few things about being in seminary. One of those things revolves around what I choose to admit. I guess I am in a "grown-up" place now ;). Whatever you choose to admit in the grown up world can cause some major judgement. But, it's ok, because you and I are grown ups, or at least if we try to act like it life might go on. Here are a few things that I will admit with fervor and why I choose to do so:

I LOVE Kate Middleton and Taylor Swift. I just do. I can't help it. People ask me all the time why I love Kate Middleton so much or why I love talking about Taylor Swift. People ask why I glamorize them. Here's the answer: I glamorize them because they are glamorous. Oh, quote me. They are good girls with great impact. Not flawless girls, but good ones (T Swift might date too much). But, we all have that friend. They make an impact because they are classy and down-to-earth, in good ways. Trust me, there are detailed reasons why I love them, but I won't take the time to go into those details on here because I *know* some of you are rolling your eyes. Really, though, if I could meet any two people in today's world it would be Kate Middleton and Taylor Swift...preferably in a room at the same time. So, if you have connections, hook me up.

Now, one thing I've learned NOT to admit at seminary is if you watch The Bachelor. Don't even try.

Just thought I would give you a shot of randomness in your day! Below: the three best friends that anyone could have. And, P.S. if you don't like this blog, we are never, ever, ever getting back together.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, have a no shame love for T-Swift and Kate. And I watched The Bachelor in seminary, along with far more unsavory shows. There's an underground group that watches it. They just won't admit it...ha :)
