Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pray40 and School Start-Up!

Summer is over! I can't believe it! For me, it's time to dive in head first to my junior year at Southwestern. I returned from Dallas on the 6th of August, spent some time in Mulvane with Kyle's fam and then I spent a week in Seattle and Oregon with my Aunt Robin. That was a refreshing and relaxing time and provided me with an opportunity to catch up with my aunt and cousins! After returning from Oregon, I went out to Western KS for a few days and returned to SC last Friday. It's been a crazy last few weeks! I spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday in Shepherd training for the Discipleship program that I am in. This year, my covenant group has the privilege of leading the entire Discipleship team. We all have different areas that we are in charge of--I will be in charge of "Kingdom Committee." My focus? Youuuuu guessed it, PRAYER! My committee will work to establish prayer on our campus, in our community and we are also heading up some social justice projects. I am really excited about the things that God is going to do this year, both through my covenant group and on our campus as a whole.

Another thing that I wanted to tap in on is a project that I have been involved with for the last few months. My campus minister, Ashlee Alley, and another campus minister from Kansas City, Creighton Alexander have been working on a project called "Pray40" in the United Methodist Church. Basically, they've organized an intentional 40 days of prayer for students going back to school and campus ministries all across the world. The 40 days started on the 23 of August and will end on October 1. Over 120 people have written prayers that have been published for the 40 days. These prayers come out three times a day in a rhythm fasion (morning, noon, evening). This is a great time to come together as believers and share in fellowship through prayer every single day. Imagine the impact this can have! Truly--it's already impacting so many. I want to personally invite you to join in--no matter who you are! Head to and follow along. You can even subscribe to receive the prayers and updates by e-mail and/or text message. I would ask that sometime soon (like, right now! :)) you would just go check out the website. See what this is all about, and think about the ways that you could get involved.