Monday, July 8, 2013

Mingling in Mom

I've never been a mom, but this summer I feel like I've gotten just a teeny-tiny taste of what motherhood is like. We always tell the interns here, "We are not your moms or your maids." But, the truth is, I cherish these babes and love them in a special way, all 101 of them. And, the truth is, in a way I kind of feel like a mom.

Of course, I feel like a mom in all of the traditional, nitty-gritty ways -- I (along with the other hps) are always picking up the houses, checking on chores, giving out chores, organizing dinner, answering questions, etc. 

But the mom-part I enjoy most is getting to watch all of the interns grow -- from strangers to friends, from trainees to interns. I've enjoyed most watching them gain confidence in what they're doing. I remember that time as an intern and I loved how exciting it was. 

I think that there must be a particular grace that comes with being a mom. Sometimes it's hard to look past the overflowing trash that needs taken out or the food that's strewn all over the refrigerator, but when I look at the people that they're becoming and the experiences that they're having all on their own, I'm just happy for them. That's really enough.