Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Memory of A Beginning

6.9.12. One of my favorite days. They say that little girls always dream about their weddings. Growing up I can say that I thought about my wedding a fair amount. However, the idea of getting married was so far off and so far foreign that I never really did give it serious thought until much later. I never met a person that I truly thought I could marry until I met Kyle. You see, Kyle has a particular liveliness about him. When I first met him his goofy-ness and love for life sparked a small flame in my own soul. He encouraged me to be more real -- more alive.

We dated for almost two years and got engaged on a beautiful evening in August of 2011. We spent the next ten months planning for our wedding. Many people warned me what a stress wedding planning would be, some even encouraged us to elope. However, we spent those ten months planning, expecting and anticipating a beautiful day. And it was a beautiful day. Picture this: paper lanterns, lots of lace, vintage plates, candles, icicle lights, friends, family, home-cookin, kissing, dancing and a little bit of western Kansas wind. All of those things mixed well together to bring us one of the most memorable days of our life. I remember that day, a year ago, now. No stress, just a lot of love and joy. A lot of aliveness. 

So, today we celebrate the beauty of marriage and the memory of a beginning. Happy one year anniversary to Kyle Just, the love of my life. I couldn't have made it through this past year without you. I wouldn't have wanted to. Cheers to many more years. <3 span="">

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kentucky. Kansas. Texas.

In the last three weeks we've gone from Kentucky, to Kansas to Texas. So, we made it through. It seems I have so many things to catch up in the blogging world. Mostly because everything happened at once. These last three weeks have been insane! Tuesday, May 21, we moved from one house to another in Wilmore. As soon as we packed and unpacked, we re-packed so we could leave that Friday to go to Kansas and see Kyle's family. We spent some quality time with his parents and brother's family and then we left on Sunday to head to Dallas for yet another summer with Project Transformation. We  arrived Sunday evening and began leadership training during the last week of May. On June 1, the 101 interns arrived at SMU for check-in. Since last Saturday, we've hardly been able to breathe! It's a good thing, though. We've really enjoyed getting to know the new interns and seeing old friends. Interns trained this entire week and will train for a couple of days next week. Then, we send them off to their sites on Wednesday, June 12!

This summer, my official title with PT is "House Pastor" and Kyle's is "LITE Coordinator." In the past, we've both served as interns and have worked with elementary/youth students in the program. However, this summer is shaping up to be a little bit different. As a LITE Coordinator, Kyle will be working with youth who are too old for the program (10th-12th graders). He will be helping them accrue volunteer hours through PT and will create special programming for them during the weekday afternoons. Through programming, he will assist them in college prep, guide them through spiritual formation and teach them about social justice. He's excited to work with the LITES at Walnut Hill. I am excited he is at Walnut Hill -- my old stomping grounds.

As for me...the job of a house pastor is difficult to describe. On the surface level I am in charge of helping to plan worship, plan community events, take care of dinner volunteers and be a listening ear and mentor for interns. On the flip side (and there is a flip side, trust me) this job is about MUCH more than that. I am also a....motherly type figure, question-answer-er extraordinaire, disciplinarian, liaison, room un-locker (which also makes me a keeper of the keys), etc. At the same time, I am also still a student and a wife. Thankfully, God seems to be giving me grace to complete and be all of those things in this season of my life. It's a lot of fun. It's really draining. It's really life-giving. I'm looking forward to the summer ahead. I will be blogging more this summer, Lord willing. I think that will be my June resolution. We have a lot of great things coming up in June and I have a lot of good thoughts, too, that I want to share. So, look for more blogs this month as a part of my happiness project. I love to write and there are so many good opportunities to write and things to write about, I must seize them!