Tuesday, June 15, 2010

PT Story Time

I wanted to sit down and type a few wonderful PT stories before I went to bed so you can get a small glimpse into what my job is like day in and day out.
My first story happened last week when a bunch of fifth grade girls kept saying "Miss Molly, I am scaaaaaaaaaarrreeeddd!!!" When I asked 'Why?' they said it was because someone at the church died. I saw them in passing, so I wasn't really sure what that meant, but by the way they were acting, I assumed they were just being silly fifth grade girls. Then, right after I passed them in the hall, I went to pick up my 2nd and 3rd graders from recreation (they're officially "my kids," I suppose) and I was asking them how things went. Then, as I was heading towards the back of the line where some 2nd and 3rd grade boys were sitting, I heard one of them whisper "Miss Molly, come here." So I said, "Yes, what's up?" and three of them, all at once told me that a bride had died in the bride's room at the church. When I asked them why everyone kept saying that someone died they told me that everyone was talking about it. Apparently there is a sign on the bride's room at our site church that has a sign on it that says, "In loving memory of Mrs. Harry Someone." So, quite naturally, my children believe that a bride died in there, and the room is dedicated to her. After I was already dying of laughter on the inside, one of my 2nd grade boys named Efran looked at me with the most serious face and said, "Miss Molly, I know who killed the bride." As I rolled my eyes and said "Who, Efran?" He said......"Miss Molly, it was Chuckie, I know it was." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. My heart about fell out of my behind right then and there. I looked him square in the eyes and said "Efran! Chuckie isn't real." But, it's my word against his and boy, oh boy, all my 2nd and 3rd graders believe Chuckie killed a bride at my church.
For another quick story, the other day after recess was over, I went over to the sandbox to tell the kids it was time to go in. A first grade girl named Sandy and a first grade boy named Erick were both still dawdling around in the sandbox. I went over and Sandy was a complete mess! She was covered from head to toe in a sand mess. I looked at her with Erick at my side and said, "Sandy, you are saaaaaannndddyyyy...you need to start wiping all that sand off of you." In the middle of my sentence I see Erick double over in laughter and hear him screaming "Miss Moooollllyyyyyy!!!!" beside me. After I was done talking to Sandy, I looked at Erick and said "What is sooo funny?" He looked up at me and he said, "Miss Molly, don't you know that you just said that Sandy was sandy!" I laughed out loud at his small, but rather catchy observation.

Glad I could share some stories from PT. This week at our site it's "Game Show Week." We are playing a HUGE game of Deal or no Deal with the kids on Thursdays...with homemade briefcases and everything. Please pray for my kids! And me, too :).

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